The semantically intagible ramblings of a cynical 26 year old kid, who has a professional job and still acts like a 17 year old moron. Oh, and he would appreciate your opinion, because mine might be jaded.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Are you kidding me? He called you up past midnight on a Thursday asking you to come pick him up because he was so fuckin drunk that he could barely walk and then had the nerve to call you a nickel whore? Wow, that is so...

who fuckin cares.

As my heart tries to squeeze out just one more tear to the 'tough life' that some of the young successful professionals who live in ideal cities so very much desire, I will have to take a four second inhale/exhale Tantric breath because if I hear one more complaint that rivals the interest of Mannequin Two on the Move(although Kristy Swanson is at minimum an Golden Globe nominee), my head will explode into little tiny pieces of fragmented skull. Yes, I know that was a run on sentence, but grammar nor reason can stand in the way of my totally unprovoked rant on the weak willed that I have come to coin as the 'whaa generation.'

And it's not that I am bitter..I swear. I just think your stories belong on Lifetime or it's big gay sister, WE. After all, your story can slide in right before the program that depicts Johnny Nimble, the highschool jock who was an all star wrestler. You know, the boy with super smarts and exceptional hair and all the abilities that would gurantee such an bright sunny future except for that fact that Johnny is hell belt on believing 'no means yes' and you should be able to 'take what you think you earned and deserved'....not so good Johnny, not so good at all.

Here are a few helpful tips that you and Jeffrey might learn before your next trip to Toys R'Us.

1. Learning to love yourself first is the lamest thing on earth to say. Worse than baiting to that 4 second scene in Doc Hollywood when you see Julie Warner's(my apologizes as I had Andie McDowell at first) breasts. These are the same people who grew up having nightmares of the evil villain in the movie Ricochet..played by John effing Lithgow.
2. Don't put family first...They can fend for themselves.
3. Karma is NOT a scientific fact, so waiting around for someone to 'get theirs' is like watching a PG 13 movie and waiting for the hardcore porn scene...yes I realize Doc Hollywood was PG 13, but I challenge anyone to....nevermind.
4. If you don't like the way you are being treated by someone, GET FUCKING EVEN. If they are a co-worker, simply run a 'smear campaign' which would include ficticious lies which destroys their credibility and respect amongst the everyday office folk. For instance,
"Yeah, Jenny hasn't been the same since she cheated on her husband."
Response: "Jenny has a husband?"
Answer: "Only for like SEVEN years, but they have that whole 'open relationship' going on."

Problem solved...Jenny is done and you are king. Vicious? Mean? Ill-willed?
No sorry, the answer we were looking for was effective...Yes...Effective.

5. If you don't like your job...fuckin quit. And I swear to Christ if I give another answer to what people should do and they respond with "Yeah your right, but.." I'm gonna sack punch um or stick a hanger up their nose, rip out their brains, slash a gash in their back and stuff it with daffodils.

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any advice I provide or advise against. My answers to problems are fruitless and nonsensical and I would fuck up the track that LeRon the cracked out skibby, who provides male/female oral to anyone with a 5 bag or a TooJays sandwich, is on.

These problems that I hear are as legitimate as the email I get on a semi regular basis, which makes bold promises such as a 24 hour erection and a real college degree in only 12 weeks.

Care gauge just hit empty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That wasn't Andie McDowell, you homo. She would have made me want to jerkoff with a piece of sandpaper in my palm. That was the much hotter Julie Warner

Get your tits right, you amateur.

7:02 AM

Blogger MeSmartNo said...

Touchee my Polish friend.

7:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, I never knew you had such a bleeding heart.

7:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you are saying that you have found the lord?

7:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

E.M. said...

I hear you about if you aren't happy, change it. one of the benefits of not working in the office is not having to listen to everyone bitch. But then again, that is why a company has some weak links because there are some really negative people that are either too lazy or are smart enough to know that they can't do any better. I was thinking about the amount of people that are there just to collect a check and it's really sad. Not becasue they are a drain on the the economy but that people can be so happy with their own mediocrity.

8:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "whaa generation"...the same degenerates that drove Beamers to school on their parent's dime and spent their "hard earned" cash ($96 paychecks from Hollister) on $8 vodka redbulls and Von Dutch trucker hats. I pity the fools.

8:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to E.M.'s comment...

This is why I love these people. They provide a benchmark for the substandard - a north star for the downtrod. If it wasn't for these 9 to 5 pedestrians then none of the dedicated workers would be appreciated. It is in the contrast that the upper echelon is recognized. So next time you get a raise (albeit a measly 4%)...walk to the next cubicle over and thank your hack of co-worker for making you look so damn good.

9:27 AM

Blogger MeSmartNo said...

And a many of cubicle residents do I indeed thank each and every day, for their commitment to idiocrisy and incompetence and their penchant to walk just a degree north of the line of retardism.

To you brave soul who can't figure our how to sort email by subject or sender. To those who comment "Wow, you guys sure do put a lot of emphasis on profit."

I salute you!

9:39 AM

Blogger MeSmartNo said...

'Stick to Buffy'??? It's only one of the BEST action movies of our generation which launched Luke Perry's highly successful movie career, wove in the talents of respected veteran actors such as Rutger Hauer AND Donald Sutherland and dare I saw, introduced the great Paul Reubens as more the a character actor...and more then someone who can just jack off in a public cinema with no regret....and don't even get me going about the greatest spin off series in the history of bi-sexual tv....who DIDN'T want to attend Sunnydale HIGH! Don't worry guys, it's a rhetorical question.

9:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cash is King! I hope you are on break when you are blogging.

10:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I just made it back from a 'Magic The Gathering' Conference. My horrible Gelfling card lost to the prolific Taint-Scrubber, but my grieving is over for now...Anyways, seems like this blog is all about the 80/20 Rule. Where it seems like in most aspects of society, that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. Or maybe it can be related to a Dave matthews song called 'Ants Marching'. Either way, people with zero initiative or drive breed way too much. Nothing a vigilante brigade armed with Ak-47's and endless rounds of ammunition couldn't resolve....

OATES to your HALL

11:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does that mean we're all in the 80% group since we're commenting on blogs instead of "working?"

12:35 PM

Blogger MeSmartNo said...

NO. It means we are part of the 20% who are keen in the phenomenal art of 'multi-tasking.' Like patting your head and rubbing your eating cereal and breathing through your watching porn and

1:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Response to God...

He already found the lord. Now he's found JEESSSSUUUUSSSS!

6:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...stroking at the same time. Like opening more than 1 Word or Excel doc at one time. Like receiving a blumpkin while it's actually half out. Like licking a clit while you finger the dick-mitten. Like dancing without spilling your beer. Like smoking a cigarette while doing your girl doggie, and making sure the ashtray doesn't fall off her back.
Like walking into a place like you fricking OWN IT! Like using ben-wah balls.....

8:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuckin funny

4:37 PM


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