Opening Credits: The Cliche - Words with no meaning
I am not going to grossly overestimate the interest that one might have in my ideas and opinions. After all, I am writing the Life & Times of a 26 year old kid who balances his check book with the skills of a 16 year old crackwhore, and succesfully destroys an immune system only to arrive at work the next day with a smile fastened tight and a "If they only knew" attitude.
But fuck it, I will write it anyway. Without further ado, topic one,..."The Cliche"
The loss of anything original or interesting to say is an epidemic that is not only airborne, but incurable. Vaccine? No way. Why say what you really feel and believe. Why not just hide behind a vague string of words that no one will question. Also, sugar coating tastes much better then shit coating.
CLICHE EXAMPLE: Let's get this done so we don't find ourselves behind the 8 ball. (NOTE: Pool 8 ball, Not 100 words a minute 8 ball)
WHAT THEY REALLY MEAN: If you guys fuck this up, the lights are getting turned off, the work equipment sold, and the locks are changed because we just failed miserably.
Hell, I think the latter is much more compelling. I know I would try at least slightly harder if the reality of it made it into the sentence. It's gotten so bad that I was part of conversation today that actually have no original thoughts or ideas, but just cliches back and forth. My ears nearly melted. How do you even summarize a conversation like that:
Summary Report:
Objective: To not be caught with our pants down when its time to pull the trigger.
Strategy: Make sure we have enough bullets in our gun when we hit the tipping point.
Next Steps:
1. Brandon to get his arms around it, because it is not rocket science.
2. Larry to produce something not run of the mill so we achieve the WOW factor.
3. Billy to get our ducks in a row and some miles under the tires so client does not find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place.
4. At the end of the day client and team to see eye to eye and the light at the end of the tunnel.
I think you get the point. People who use cliches got their ass kicked in middle school, no question about it. I only make one simple request...three days. Three days with no use of cliches. If you can kick the habit longer then you are indeed a will powered one.
Till the next time I make you dumber....
I'm not sure these are all cliche's per se, but isn't it a little old when people say:
Wow, that guy really tagged her like RKelly did Rudy Huxtable.
Mary Kate and Ashley hitting 18 was the worst move those two broads ever made.
That's the last time I borrow and handkerchief from a bum with visible open lesions.
7:02 PM
Agreed on the Olsen twins..what was their publicist thinking??
12:05 PM
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